Apparently the cry to zero carbon is a big deal. The UN with all affiliates demands 2.4 Trillion from you. Not sure where the money would go but it would not definitely benefit your life in any way. Perhaps the funds can be used to block out the sun via the Gates plan. Perhaps they can turn off the switch on forest fires, volcanic events, Ocean vents or eliminate those cows that fart. For some reason in all of natures activities over some billion years Carbon is now your worst enemy.
So remove Carbon a main building block of life itself. In turn vegetation will somehow flourish without it. But wait, if you reduce vegetation will that reduce their byproduct Oxygen. Perhaps a good Eugenicist could reduce both and affect population. The few believe science is going to provide them eternally one way or another, they will be Gods. Extinguish everything then rebuild their world. Quite like a reset idealism. A resurrection for them with all titles intact at some future moment.
Upon exploiting all trade in all it’s forms, some will want more. It is the sociopathic side of humans to never achieve satisfaction. More is never enough. Forms of control demand positions never lose once gained. Wealth has been the basic quest of populations to afford control in history. The competition mostly involves “whatever it takes” formation. The conquerer makes the rules. Humanity is reaching the point where a few have the most. Not much change can occur until the big fish after depleting the little fish finally turn on each other. It is the natural way of life forms of the biological system barring some catastrophic event which can occur and has occured in past ages of planetary existence.
The human race is fallible on every count. No matter how advanced knowledge becomes all it will find is more questions. Any structure of today will be different at another future point. How much does humanity even matter to endless galactic space beyond comprehension.